2015. 5. 16. 12:26


Posted by qlstnfp
2015. 2. 22. 18:51


with the Chinese President Mao Zedong

with the Chinese Premier at the time, Zhou Enlai, 

His trip included a visit to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. 

First Lady Pat Nixon visited schools, hospitals, factories, and communes. 

Nixon had another reason for his well-publicized visit: Vietnam. 

Posted by qlstnfp
2012. 10. 25. 08:54

1977년에 국립영화제작소에서 만든 <1976년 박정희 대통령 연말 전방시찰 등 활동상 및 박근혜 큰영애 송년방송회견> 영상


Posted by qlstnfp