2010. 2. 21. 20:45
Posted by qlstnfp
2010. 2. 21. 20:40

'1950년대' 카테고리의 다른 글

1958-08-16 고급담배인 ´아리랑  (0) 2010.02.21
1957-07-05 한강철교 복선 복구공사 완공 개통식  (0) 2010.02.21
이승만  (0) 2010.02.21
1950년 6월 18일  (0) 2010.02.18
1950년 10월 - 51년 3월 서울  (0) 2010.02.18
Posted by qlstnfp
2010. 2. 21. 20:35

speaking on his return to Korea in October 1945.
Lt. Gen. John Hodge, left.

Ceremony welcoming Syngman Rhee on his return to Korea in October 1945.

Korean War

ES210-13-16 Dr. Syngman Rhee, President, ROK, and Mrs. Rhee (foreground) with Non-commissioned officers of the 62nd Engineets and train crew members in front of the first locomotive to cross the newly construdted railroad bridge spanning the Han River at Seoul, Korea. 19 Oct 1950.

To find out more about the U.S. Army in Korea today, visit the U.S. Army Korea Media Center at: imcom.korea.army.mil

Cleared for public release. This image is generally considered in the public domain - Not for commercial use.

Air Force Flier Thanked by Korean President. Air Force Major Dean Hess, commanding officer of fighter squadron which operates from an advance Fifth Air Force Base in Korea, receives the thanks of Korean President Syngman Rhee for the work that Major Hess and the men of his squadron have done in slowing down the North Korean advance. Major Hess is from Marietta, OH

K-16 Seoul City Air Base (Yuido) 1955

Korean President Visits His Air Force. President Syngman Rhee is brought up to date on activities of the ROK Air Force by his Air Chief of Staff and American advisors while visiting a fighter strip in Korea. Shown left to right are: Capt H.H. Wilson of Lanark IL assistant air advisor; Brig Gen Kim Chung Yul, ROK Air Force Chief of Staff; Col Chong Duk Ching, ROK wing commander; President Rhee; Madame Rhee; Dr Harold Noble, U.S. Embassy secretary and Maj Dean E. Hess, U.S. Air Advisor. They had just witnessed an air demonstration by ROK pilots.

경무대 일반인 공개
촬영일 : 1955-04-19

Posted by qlstnfp
2010. 2. 18. 23:46

1950. 6. 18. 미 국무장관 덜레스 일행이 38 접경 지대를 살피고 있다.

'1950년대' 카테고리의 다른 글

광복 제13주년 및 정부수립 제10주년 기념 아치  (0) 2010.02.21
이승만  (0) 2010.02.21
1950년 10월 - 51년 3월 서울  (0) 2010.02.18
1956 대통령 부통령선거ㅓ  (0) 2010.02.16
50년대 후반의 겨울  (0) 2010.02.14
Posted by qlstnfp