'영어공부'에 해당되는 글 52건
- 2009.12.10 COP 15 2
- 2009.12.08 U.S. Nuclear Envoy in North Korea
- 2009.12.08 불륜 중계 어지럽다.
- 2009.12.07 Thousands at rally hear calls for Berlusconi to quit
'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
White House Press Briefing 12/9/09 (0) | 2009.12.12 |
Obama’s Nobel Remarks-vedeo, full text (0) | 2009.12.12 |
U.S. Nuclear Envoy in North Korea (0) | 2009.12.08 |
불륜 중계 어지럽다. (0) | 2009.12.08 |
Thousands at rally hear calls for Berlusconi to quit (0) | 2009.12.07 |
Stephen W. Bosworth spoke about his recent trip to Pyongyang.

사진출처 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-12/09/content_12614023.htm에서 capture
Top U.S. envoy heads to North Korea
Bosworth (center) arrives in Seoul on Sunday. Reuters
After his DPRK trip, Bosworth is expected to brief other participants of the Six-Party Talks. He will fly to Seoul on Thursday, Beijing on Friday, Tokyo on Saturday and Moscow on Sunday.
US North Korea envoy Stephen Bosworth to begin mission
The US special representative to North Korea, Stephen Bosworth, is preparing to travel to Pyongyang for three days of talks.
The visit is the first high-level contact between US President Barack Obama's administration and Pyongyang.
US officials said Mr Bosworth would try to find out whether Pyongyang was ready to return to the six-party talks on its nuclear programme it left in April.
But they said Pyongyang would not be offered any new incentives to do so.
North Korea has been pushing for direct talks with the US.
But US has said it would hold bilateral talks only as a precursor to a return to six-party negotiations.
A senior White House official said Mr Bosworth's first visit to North Korea was "not intended to be an extended bilateral engagement".
"The purpose of their mission is to determine whether the North Koreans are ready and willing to return to the six-party talks and return to a serious discussion of the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula," the AFP news agency quoted the unnamed official as saying.
'No rewards'
The official told reporters at a news conference in Washington DC that Mr Bosworth was "definitely not carrying any additional inducements" to encourage them to return to the talks.
We don't intend to reward North Korea simply for going back to doing something that it had previously committed to do," he said.
North Korea pulled out of the talks in April, after the UN Security Council condemned its testing of long range missiles.
Mr Bosworth is due to hold talks with North Korea's top leaders but it remains unclear whether he will meet the country's leader, Kim Jong-il.
Analysts have dampened expectations ahead of the visit, suggesting the most that can be hoped for is a general promise that the North would return to talks sometime
But the BBC's Michael Bristow in Seoul says that despite the pessimism, the visit itself is a mark of progress.
North Korea had said it would never return to the talks, but there is a chance the meeting with Mr Bosworth could persuade them to start talking again, says our correspondent.
On a recent visit to Beijing, South Korea and Japan, Barack Obama and his hosts all affirmed the importance of getting North Korea back into talks.
Mr Bosworth's first talks with North Korea are expected to last three days. He will then make stops in Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo and Moscow before returning to the US.
'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
Obama’s Nobel Remarks-vedeo, full text (0) | 2009.12.12 |
COP 15 (2) | 2009.12.10 |
불륜 중계 어지럽다. (0) | 2009.12.08 |
Thousands at rally hear calls for Berlusconi to quit (0) | 2009.12.07 |
Afghanistan (3) | 2009.12.04 |
용 혜 원
늘 채우고 싶은 몸짓인가
물 빠진 갯벌의
허전함이 늘 남아 있다
텅 빈 거리에 홀로 서 있듯
쓸쓸함과 허전함만 쌓여
찾을 것 없는 거리를
늘 배회하며 다녔다
수분이 부족한가
늘 물을 찾고
잠이 부족한가
늘 졸린 눈빛이다
누군가 곁에 없으면
미칠 것만 같았다
늘 모자라고
늘 부족하다는 생각에
남 앞에 서면 심장까지 떨려왔다
가득한 곳에서도
외로움을 느낀다
어둠이 가득한지
빛을 찾고만 싶었다
사랑을 채우고 싶어
누군가의 어깨를 빌리고 싶다
그렇고 그런 이야기로 영어 공부하자며
거기는 좀 선정적이지만 언론의 자유가 있구나.
너 돈은 있지만 힘은 없구나.....
여기는 힘있으면 그렇게 .....
Cablinasian and hoochie-mamas
‘사실 보도를 신문의 수치로 생각하며
단 한 줄이라도 사실을 보도할 시 편집진 전원이 자폭할 각오가 돼 있다’
미국이나 영국의 타블로이드 신문이란 게 뭔가.
쉽게 말해 믿거나 말거나 황당한 얘기를 늘어놓는 신문이다.
그저 심심풀이용일 뿐이다.
워싱턴, LA 특파원들까지 동원돼
바다 건너 미국 골프스타의 추문을 ‘중계방송’한다.
정작 우리가 꼭 알아야 할 소식은 없다.
Rachel Uchitel (L) has denied an affair and Jaimee Grubbs (R) claimed they had a 31-month affair and slept together 20 times
Mindy Lawton(L) claims she had sex with Woods' at his family home
Kalika Moquin(R) has denied having a relationship with Woods
Jamie Jungers (L) and Mindy Lawton (R) say they both slept with Woods.
No comment: Cori Rist is said to have had a six-month fling with Tiger after meeting him in a Manhattan nightclub
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1233675/Tiger-Woods-Cori-Rist-named-mistress-golfer.html
'Naive': Waitress Mindy Lawton loved Tiger Woods and thought he was being faithful to her, according to her family
Rachel Uchitel is said to have claimed Tiger took a sedative for insomnia which also 'heightens sex'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1233559/Tiger-Woods-8-hour-diner-waitress-deal-kept-affair-news.html
Loving the limelight: Uchitel cancelled a press conference where she intended to give details of her 'relationship' with the golfer
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1233303/Tiger-Woods-took-prescription-drugs-boost-sex-mistress.html#ixzz0Z1IGZmTq
Lookalike: Model Jamie Jungers (left) allegedly had an affair with Tiger Woods for two years, less than a year after he married wife Elin Nordegren (right)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1233564/Tiger-Woods-Elin-Nordegren-lookalike-Jamie-Jungers-golfer-wooed-year-marrying.html#ixzz0Z1Ix9hOX
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'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
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