2011. 11. 27. 15:06
John Key will remain New Zealand’s prime minister afteralandslide election win.
But his centre-right National Party just failed to win the outright majority opinion polls had forecast.
The premier says he has already secured support from minor parties to shore up his impressive 48 per cent of the vote, with nearly all ballots counted.
Opposition leader Phil Goff conceded defeat after his Labour Party managed only 27 per cent.
Aswell as global economicturmoil, New Zealand’s government has had to deal with turbulence from February’s earthquake in Christchurch in which 181 peoplelost their livesto a deadly coal mine disaster.
Seen as a safe pair of hands in a crisis, Key has also enjoyed the boost of New Zealand hosting and winning this year’s Rugby World Cup.
But his centre-right National Party just failed to win the outright majority opinion polls had forecast.
The premier says he has already secured support from minor parties to shore up his impressive 48 per cent of the vote, with nearly all ballots counted.
shore up :
Opposition leader Phil Goff conceded defeat after his Labour Party managed only 27 per cent.

Aswell as global economicturmoil, New Zealand’s government has had to deal with turbulence from February’s earthquake in Christchurch in which 181 peoplelost their livesto a deadly coal mine disaster.
turbulence 격동, 격변 (물・공기의) 난류(暖流), 난기류, 난상류
Seen as a safe pair of hands in a crisis, Key has also enjoyed the boost of New Zealand hosting and winning this year’s Rugby World Cup.
New Zlaeand’s John Key re-elected in landslide | euronews, world news: http://bit.ly/tTrxS5 via @AddThis
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